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We Improve People's Lives by Providing a Healthy & Aesthetically Pleasing Environment!
Call Us Now: 510-314-0266
Servicing the greater San Francisco Bay Area

Hardwood Floor Cleaning
No matter what tool you use on your hardwood floor: a mop, a Swiffer, a broom, it’s likely that you can’t reach deep with the cracks and the crevices of hardwood finish.
When it’s time for a deep-clean, look no further than KMC Cleaners to give your hardwood floor a deep cleaning treatment. From removal of debris from the places your vacuum just can’t reach to our hot water and specialty wood cleaner, your home will have never been cleaner.
We offer:
Commercial & Residential (Basic Coatings & Bona System)
Intensive Clean & Refinish
Dust-Free Recoating
Screen & Recoat
Full Sand
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